A list of my papers in chronological order, sorted by publication status. See Projects for a grouping by theme.
Lecture notes
Lecture notes for the Copenhagen master class on cobordism categories:
- Moduli spaces of 3-manifolds with boundary are finite. With Rachael Boyd and Corey Bregman. (arxiv:2404.12748)
- The equifibered approach to infinity properads. With Shaul Barkan. (arxiv:2211.02576)
- The surface category and tropical curves. (arXiv:2111.14757)
- A short proof that Rezk’s nerve is fully faithful. With Fabian Hebestreit. (To appear in IMRN, arxiv:2312.09889)
- Dagger categories via anti-involutions and positivity. With Luuk Stehouwer. (To appear in TAC, arxiv:2304.02928)
- Segalification and the Boardmann-Vogt tensor product. With Shaul Barkan. (To appear in AGT, arxiv:2301.08650)
- Envelopes for Algebraic Patterns. With Shaul Barkan and Rune Haugseng. (To appear in AGT, arxiv:2208.07183)
- Locally (co)Cartesian fibrations as realisation fibrations and the classifying space of cospans. (JLMS 2022, arXiv:1909.07133)
- The classifying space of the one-dimensional bordism category and a cobordism model for TC of spaces. (JTop 2021, arXiv:2004.14902)
- The space of traces in symmetric monoidal infinity categories. (QJM 2021, arXiv:1811.11654)
Other Writing
- Classifying spaces of low-dimesional bordism categories. My PhD thesis, 2021. (Chapters 1, 2, and 3 correspond to arXiv:1909.07133, arXiv:2004.14902, and arXiv:2111.14757, respectively.)
- Homotopy- and Cohomology Groups of Kan Complexes. (arXiv:1608.00483, not intended for publication.)